Lehigh Valley weekend trip Love Tasting Bourbons? This Fredericksburg Virginia Bed & Breakfast Ironclad inn Might Be Your Dream Visit, Owen King from Ironclad Distillery shares Delicious Details

Love Tasting Bourbons? This Fredericksburg Virginia Bed & Breakfast Ironclad inn Might Be Your Dream Visit, Owen King from Ironclad Distillery shares Delicious Details

Ironclad Inn is the first B & B & B – Bed & Breakfast & Bourbon Tasting Room.

Ironclad Inn is the first B & B & B – Bed & Breakfast & Bourbon Tasting Room

Ironclad Inn is the first B & B & B – Bed & Breakfast & Bourbon Tasting Room

Today’s conversation with Distiller Owen King from Ironclad Distillery has been edited for length and clarity.  For the full, un-edited conversation, visit our YouTube channel here.


Owen King, Ironclad Distillery

Owen King, Ironclad Distillery

Joe Winger: 

A lot of really cool things are happening right now. I want to jump into your tasting room, the distillery, we’ll get into bourbon tastings in a few minutes.

But first and foremost, what’s the most important thing with Ironclad right now for you?

Owen King: 

The most important thing about Ironclad for me right now is the same thing it’s always been, trying to make the best bourbon we can

The other thing is spreading the word about our bed and breakfast; and bourbon. It’s a bed and breakfast in Fredericksburg that when you’re there, you can drink bourbon.

Ironclad's famous Old Fashioned cocktail

Ironclad’s famous Old Fashioned cocktail

We make a lot of old fashions there and we always have all these leftover oranges. Now the perfect thing is in the morning you have fresh squeezed orange juice from our [leftover] old fashions.

It’s really working double duty now.

Besides that I just love the fact that we can now expand our distillery up to Fredericksburg. So we can have more people try our bourbon and enjoy our bourbon, which is the goal.

Joe Winger: 

Getting to know you before you jump into Ironclad, I want to use the word “were”, you were a football player and cooking changed your life.

Tell us more about your cooking. Was there a special dish that enhanced your life?

Owen King: 

I’m Italian. So obviously with the Italian genes, we share our love through food. Growing up I cooked a lot.

When I went to college [I cooked] for my teammates.  I’d make dinner for everyone. So when we decided to open the bourbon distillery, I figured, I know how to cook. I think I could probably figure out how to make bourbon. 

I know flavors. I know how things go well together. I think I have a pretty decent palette. 

So putting all those things together to make a great bourbon was the goal. 

Food is one of those things where you never stop improving. I feel the same about bourbon.

FlavRReport.com on YouTube

FlavRReport.com on YouTube


Joe Winger: 

Is there a favorite dish?

Owen King: 

Breaded chicken cutlets and spaghetti.

That is how it started. Then I was like “I really like cheese.”  Maybe I could put cheese in with the breadcrumbs and then do that. Then I started expanding.  Chicken Parm.  Making my own sauce.  Thinking I could add something here to make that better.

It’s the same way I look at bourbon.

Thinking, “I like what this person’s doing. Let me see what they’re doing. I can build off that to make it work on my own.”

Creating my own recipes, going from there, just continually tweaking little things here and there.

We’ll make a 5% difference, maybe a 10% difference.

Joe Winger: 

Ironclad Distillery is in Newport News, Virginia. The bed and breakfast Ironclad Inn is in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

For most people when we think of bourbon, we don’t always think of Virginia as the first choice. What would surprise us most about coming down to Virginia for a bourbon tasting and staying the night?

Ironclad Distillery

Ironclad Distillery

Owen King: 

If you’re coming down to Virginia, you have to remember Virginia is the birthplace of American spirits. The first place spirits were made in the new colonies, in the new world, was here in Virginia. 

The first corn liquor which would eventually become bourbon, was made in Virginia.

You can also talk about Elijah Craig, who was from Fairfax County, Virginia, before he moved out to Kentucky. 

On top of that, Kentucky wasn’t a state until 1793. Evan Williams was doing distillation in 1783, and at that point Kentucky was still Virginia. 

The birthplace of bourbon is right here in Virginia.

I’ve been to Kentucky a lot. They talk about the birthplace of bourbon being there in Kentucky.

Maybe the territory it’s in was Kentucky, but it was still Virginia at the time.

Whenever someone comes by, I can tell them the history of actual bourbon, where you’re gonna get the whole story, not just the fantasized story that you get in Kentucky.

Joe Winger: 

I’m incredibly glad you just shared that.

Let’s talk about The Ironclad Bed and Breakfast now. The bourbon tasting room, the event space.

Owen King: 

We wanted to spread our bourbon out around the state. We’ve always really liked Fredericksburg. It’s a beautiful town. It’s got a ton of history to it.

Nothing goes better with bourbon than a good story.

So we can always tell our history while drinking. So with our bed and breakfast, we looked at what the bigger guys were doing. A lot of them were starting to have these places where you could stay [the night] and get an experience to go along with it.

We really wanted to spread our Ironclad experience. 

We have a tasting room. It’s beautifully decorated by my sister. We’ve got a bottle shop where you can pick up pretty much every one of our bourbons that are available. We’ve got a bar so you can try it from our seasonal cocktail menus where we change it five times a year.

We have a winter, a fall, a spring, summer [menu].Then a holiday menu as well. 

No matter what time of year you’re there, you’re trying something that’s going to go well seasonally.  

Everyone likes seasonal drinks.  You don’t want to drink in the fall, what you’d drink in the summer.

We always have an old fashioned and it’s a damn good old fashioned. 

Then we also have an event space. We have weddings. We’ve had 50th birthday parties. 

Ironclad Inn wedding and special events

Ironclad Inn wedding and special events

We’ve had any event that you want to tie into with our bourbon or just if you want a beautiful event space in a building that was built in 1793 we have that as a great option. 

It’s a really cool spot that you can go and see and experience.

It’s something we want to share, our love for bourbon with everyone.

Whether you’re here in Newport News or in Fredericksburg, you’ll get a King family member there to tell you our story and tell you all about our bourbon and show you around.

Ironclad Bottled-in-Bond Straight Bourbon Whiskey

Ironclad Bottled-in-Bond Straight Bourbon Whiskey

Joe Winger: 

Outstanding.  Let’s get to the tasty part now.  You have several amazing bottles.  When someone comes to your tasting room this weekend, what should they be looking forward to? 

Owen King: 

We do a few bottle releases that are once a year for us. One of my favorites. 

A five year, three barrel blend of three 30 gallon barrels. Bottle of Bond.

The history alone is one of my favorite things to talk about.  In 1897 the federal government stepped in because there was people dying from drinking bad whiskey.

They stepped in to “certify” everything in there.

“If you bottle it at four years old and at 100 proof, we will claim that this is a bottle and bond bourbon certified” by the federal government that it is safe to drink.

That story alone is one of my favorites of bourbon lore. 

We just want to make sure that we do that every year that we can.

It’s absolutely one of my favorite bourbons. It’s our four grain mash bill. 70% corn 10% wheat, 10% rye, 10% malted barley. 

So with the corn and the wheat, it adds a nice sweetness to it. But then the rye is there to kind of balance that whole thing out.  Before it gets [to be] a very sweet bourbon, it balances out, a little baking spice, maybe even some clove, maybe a little black pepper.

It balances it out to be a nice, rounded bourbon.

Ironclad Sweeter Creations Maple Syrup Cask

Ironclad Sweeter Creations Maple Syrup Cask

Joe Winger:

Let’s move on to your Maple Syrup Cask

Owen King: 

Absolutely delicious. But this is a cast finish, not a flavored bourbon.  So we’re not adding maple syrup to it. People who drink it might think it’s going to be super sweet and not going to like it. Because they don’t like maple syrup.

This is my version of drinking maple syrup responsibly and not getting diabetes. 

After we empty our barrels, we give them to a maple syrup producer in upstate New York.  He’ll age his maple syrup using our bourbon barrels. 

By doing that through transference, there’s about a gallon of bourbon stuck in the staves of the wood. So when he puts a new liquid in there, that maple syrup is going to absorb into the wood and that bourbon is going to come back out.

Now his maple syrup is picking up that beautiful bourbon flavor and we are picking up all that maple syrup flavor into the wood. 

When he brings those barrels back down to us, we put our aged bourbon back in there and we let him finish in there for about three to six months. 

After we take the bourbon out, it’s now got this beautiful, mild sweetness, but it’s got that hint of maple syrup at the end.

I always say, I don’t want it to be maple syrup with a hint of bourbon. I want it to be bourbon with a hint of maple syrup, which I think it absolutely is.

Ironclad Missouri Toasted Oak Cask

Ironclad Missouri Toasted Oak Cask

Joe Winger: 

The maple syrup is so subtle, almost a tertiary flavor to it. 

Moving on to the Missouri Toasted Oak Cask.

Owen King: 

This is a double oak bourbon.  With double oaking, what you’re going to do is exactly how it sounds. 

You’re going to go from one new charred oak barrel. But instead of a second new charred oak barrel, we’re going to go to a lightly toasted barrel.

So my analogy for this is you’re sitting at a campfire and you’ve got a marshmallow. You’re roasting your marshmallow over the flame and it gets burnt. It catches on fire. So now you’ve got that roasted marshmallow where you’re still gonna eat it because it’s a roasted marshmallow.

So you eat it and it’s still sweet. But it’s got that sort of maybe a bitter acrid note just cause you burnt those sugars. You haven’t toasted them. 

Now you take another marshmallow.  You’re a little more patient this time.  You’re going to stick it down in the coals and you’ll slowly rotate it until you’ve got that perfectly golden brown marshmallow. 

When you taste it, it’s now twice as sweet because you just caramelize those sugars as opposed to burning them. 

It’s the same with a charred oak barrel to a toasted oak barrel.  With that charring of those oaks, you’re gonna you’re still gonna have that sweetness.  We’re amplifying that sweetness with the toasting of the oak. 

With this one you get those softer vanilla flavors like toasted marshmallow. You get a cookie dough flavor,  maybe it’s raw cookie dough without the chocolate chips.

Joe Winger: 

That’s amazing. mmIs there an extra bottle when I come down there, I’m in the tasting room, another good bottle we should ask for?

Owen King: 

Another one that we have right now that is a very limited run.   Very small release is our blueberry mead cask finish

We give our barrels to a meadery in Williamsburg, Virginia and they make this blueberry honey mead.  So now they have this bourbon barrel aged blueberry mead. And when they’re done with them, they give them back to us. 

You’re not necessarily overwhelmed with [a] heavy blueberry flavor but it opens up to this really nice fruitiness and then like a fermented honey flavor on the front end. 

It’s so unique, but it’s great neat on the rocks.

Joe Winger: 

If we come down for the weekend, we visit the distillery in Newport News. What’s a tour like? 

Owen King: 

If people aren’t the biggest bourbon drinker, I want you to walk away saying, “Okay, I found something that is made with bourbon that I like.”

We are a distillery that only makes bourbon. 

I want to make sure that everyone who comes here has something they can enjoy.  This isn’t an uppity bourbon bar.

I want someone to come and be able to say,  I’m not the biggest bourbon fan. What kind of cocktails do you have?” We always have a cocktail on every single menu that’s open for everyone. 

Everyone’s going to love it and whether you’re a big bourbon fan or not.  We just really want to be accommodating. We want to be a fun place for everyone to hang out. 

We want to tell our story, the history of the Ironclad ships.  Go through our distillery tour, we’ll show you that. If you want to know the history of Fredericksburg, or the history of What the bed and breakfast is we’ll tell you that.

Nothing pairs better with bourbon than a good story. And we really care about spreading that word.

Joe Winger: 

Whether it’s a romantic getaway, a weekend getaway, why choose your bed and breakfast instead of a hotel?

Owen King: 

While we’ve only had it a short time.  But we’ve been adding things here and there. You’re going to get a fresh orange juice in the morning, made with the oranges that we used for our old fashions [last night]. 

We have our barrel aged maple syrup for your pancakes.  So you’re going to have that maple syrup with a hint of bourbon. 

Ironclad Inn

Ironclad Inn

We really drive home that it’s a bed breakfast and bourbon experience. Get immersed in the bourbon culture.  That’s our goal.

Joe Winger: 

Any favorite bourbon and food pairings?

Owen King: 

Bourbon’s wonderful for food pairings.  

We’ve gone from pasta pairings to pizza pairings.  Anything that’s fatty is a perfect pairing.  Pork belly with a cherry reduction over top of it with one of our bourbons straight 

We have this bourbon cream, Buzz’s Bourbon Cream, where it’s made with our small batch bourbon that’s infused with coffee beans, cacao nibs, and vanilla beans. That one over vanilla ice cream is perfection. 

You’re adding a little booze, some coffee, a little bit of chocolate.

You take a bite and all of a sudden you had three scoops and it’s gone 30 seconds later.

Joe Winger: 

What’s the best way to learn more about Ironclad Distillery and Ironclad Inn?

Owen King: 

We have our website at ironcladdistillery.com. All of our social media Facebook and Instagram



Lehigh Stunned by Sweet Innovation From America’s #1 Cookie Brand

Biggest Cookie Innovation Ever, Chips Ahoy Big Chewy Cookies!  From America’s #1 Cookie Brand

The cookie experts at Chips Ahoy! are at it again – this time showing up bigger than ever before.

Chips Ahoy! Big Chewy Cookie

Introducing the Chips Ahoy! Big Chewy Cookie – an entirely new product line from America’s #1 chocolate chip cookie brand.

Chips Ahoy! Big Chewy Cookie

Chips Ahoy! Big Chewy Cookie

As the brand that is “Here for Happy,” this innovation from Chips Ahoy! brings cookie lovers an offering that is over three times the size of Chips Ahoy! Regular Chewy in an individually wrapped pack, making it the ideal go-to snack for splitting with a friend.

These new Chips Ahoy Big Chewy Cookies will up the ante in snack aisles and convenience stores across the country. Designed with Gen-Z Chips Ahoy! lovers in mind – this oversized treat is perfect for on-the-go snacking during their busy lives or to split with a friend.

Boasting chocolatey chips over four times larger than the iconic Chips Ahoy! Chewy cookie for a bigger, more chocolatey bite, the cookie itself clocks in with a diameter over three times the size, and will be available in three delicious flavors:

  • Chips Ahoy! Big Chewy Cookie: Delivering classic Chips Ahoy! Chewy flavor now bigger and with the just the right amount of chocolatey chips to compliment the larger cookie and its soft-baked texture.
  • Chips Ahoy! Big Chewy Cookie, Chocolatey Brownie: A decadent brownie-flavored base takes indulgence up a notch and delivers an extra chocolatey bite for even the biggest sweet-tooth.
  • Chips Ahoy! Big Chewy Cookie, Chocolatey Caramel: Delicious caramel-flavored chips blend with the iconic sweetness of the Chips Ahoy! chocolatey chips to create a delicious mash-up of caramel and chocolatey flavors to deliver a big, indulgent bite.

“From our original cookies to our newest innovations, Chips Ahoy! fans have long enjoyed our iconic brand and mouthwatering flavors,” said Jen Levin, Senior Brand Manager for Chips Ahoy! US. “For over 60 years, Chips Ahoy! cookies have been the go-to cookie for chocolate chip cookie lovers of all ages. Now, with the launch of Chips Ahoy! Big Chewy Cookies, we’re excited to be their on-the-go cookie choice as well, offering indulgence and happiness in each big, delicious bite. And perhaps the best part of all? Their bigger size means you have enough Chips Ahoy! deliciousness to share with a friend!”

Chips Ahoy! Big Chewy Cookie will begin rolling out to retailers nationwide starting in October. Each 2.5 oz pack will be available for an SRP $2.29 at convenience stores. For more information on Chips Ahoy! Big Chewy Cookie, follow @chipsahoy on Instagram and @theofficialchipsahoy on TikTok to follow the latest Big Chewy Cookie news.

Lehigh Invaded with Scary-good whiskies this Halloween: J. Mattingly 1845 Welcomes Fall with New Whiskey Offerings

Scary-good whiskies this Halloween: J. Mattingly 1845 Welcomes Fall with New Whiskey Offerings

J. Mattingly 1845 Distillery is debuting scary-good whiskies this fall, with its first fall spiced Bourbon 31 Blended Bourbon and the ability to customize your own whiskey for your Halloween festivities through its J. Mattingly 1845 craft your bottle program.


Bourbon 31 Blended Bourbon is a play on the brand’s Bourbon 30 Bourbon brand and this limited-edition release was created for the Halloween season.

Bourbon 31 is a blend of three whiskies which have all undergone J. Mattingly 1845’s Double Staving™ process and the blend consists of 51 percent Bourbon, 29 percent Light Whiskey and 20 percent Rye Whiskey. Double Staving is a proprietary process used by J. Mattingly 1845 Distillery that gives the whiskey inside the barrels additional surface exposure to charred barrel staves to impart more flavor and color.

The Double Staved Classic Bourbon used in this blend has just scored a 96 from famed Whiskey Bible author Jim Murray.

The Bourbon 31 Blended Bourbon was created by J. Mattingly 1845’s team of expert blenders to reflect the flavors typically associated with fall. “When we blended these three whiskies, we were looking for a flavor profile that reflects flavors typically associated with fall, such as pumpkin and cinnamon while matching the light-hearted fun we’re having by changing the brand name from Bourbon 30 to Bourbon 31 to celebrate the Halloween season,” said Harry Richart, president, J. Mattingly 1845 Distillery.

Tasting notes for this bourbon describe it as having a nose of nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla and walnut, with the flavors of brown sugar, cinnamon, and fall baking spices on the palate. On the finish, pumpkin bread, baker’s chocolate and seasoned oak are prevalent.

Bourbon 31 is available online and at the J. Mattingly 1845 Distillery in Frankfort, KY.  Suggested retail pricing is $60 for a 750 mL and it is 98 proof.

J. Mattingly 1845 Custom Whiskey Program is the “Choose Your Own Adventure” of the whiskey world by allowing the buyer to choose between double staved™ bourbon, light whiskey or rye whiskey recipes, select their bottle shape, customize their own label, and even choose their own wax color from every color of the rainbow! This program is available online and in person at the Distillery and can result in some frighteningly fun labels and Halloween-themed wax colors.  Imagine expressing your innermost devilish (or angelic) thoughts on the bourbon bottle you give your favorite boo.

Pricing for the custom bottles start at $120 for a 750 mL bottle and shipping is available to 46 states.

About J. Mattingly 1845 Distillery

The Mattingly family has been synonymous with distilling in Kentucky for more than two centuries, having a hand in the development of at least nine separate distilleries in the Commonwealth.

It all started in 1845, with John Graves Mattingly’s first distillery in Marion County, Kentucky, Registered Distillery #2.

In 2010 Jeff Mattingly took up the family mantle and started his own craft bourbon business. Today, Jeff’s son Cameron has joined the team as Vice President of Production, continuing the legacy into the latest generation for J. Mattingly Distillery 1845 in Frankfort, Kentucky. Together father and son offer their proprietary double staving process as well as a custom bourbon blending experience unparalleled in the spirits industry, available on-site in Frankfort or online at https://jmattingly1845.com/build-a-bottle/

Basketball legend Brings Lehigh ‘Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James’, available September 30

Basketball legend Introduces Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James

Hennessy, the world’s leading cognac, and basketball legend LeBron James are proud to unveil ‘Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James’ – a V.S bottle collaboration available globally starting on September 30, 2024.

This first-time collaboration between Hennessy and LeBron James unites two giants in their respective fields and brings an unexpected twist to fans and the industry alike. Their mutual respect, shared drive for excellence and commitment to pushing boundaries makes this partnership a celebration of greatness and serves as a reminder that Hennessy is made for more.

“As an admirer of Hennessy and its iconic brand, I’ve always appreciated its commitment to basketball and how it celebrates the sport’s influence on and off the court,”

lebron James

“I was fortunate enough to visit the Maison in Cognac a while back, and seeing the care and craftsmanship that go into creating each bottle was pretty incredible. This collaboration represents a shared sense of dedication and discovery coming to life for everyone to enjoy.”

Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James

Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James

The limited-edition bottle features fresh, vibrant and distinctive designs which nod to James’ impact on and off the court. Both the bottle and gift box showcase an illustrative portrait of James in purple and orange. The iconic Hennessy Bras Armé is reimagined, sporting a sleeve as a tribute to James and intertwined with his trademark crown. The blend will remain the same and continue to deliver on the bold, yet smooth character that has made Hennessy V.S one of the most popular cognacs in the world.

Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James

Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James

“We are elated to officially welcome LeBron James to the Hennessy family after many years of mutual admiration and friendship,” said Antoine Varlet, Senior Vice President, Hennessy U.S. “LeBron is not just a basketball star, but someone who redefines boundaries in sport, style, culture and beyond. This partnership is more than just a collaboration, it’s a statement about what’s possible when two cultural icons come together.”

Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James

Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James

To highlight the cognac’s versatility, James put a fresh twist on the Hennessy Margarita cocktail featuring Hennessy V.S, lime juice, orange liqueur, orange juice and agave syrup. The addition of orange juice comes directly from James, inspired by a recent tasting experience in Cognac where he experienced the different possibilities of the spirit and discovered that Hennessy is enjoyed more than just neat, complementing a wide range of serves. This follows the release of Hennessy’s “Made for more” campaign, which shows how any drink or occasion can be made ‘more’ when you add Hennessy. Find the full recipe on hennessy.com.

The ‘Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James’ V.S will be available for purchase starting September 30, 2024.

About the Author
Joe Wehinger (nicknamed Joe Winger) has written for over 20 years about the business of lifestyle and entertainment. Joe is an entertainment producer, media entrepreneur, public speaker, and C-level consultant who owns businesses in entertainment, lifestyle, tourism and publishing. He is an award-winning filmmaker, published author, member of the Directors Guild of America, International Food Travel Wine Authors Association, WSET Level 2 Wine student, WSET Level 2 Cocktail student, member of the LA Wine Writers. Email to: Joe@FlavRReport.com

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